Learn abkhazian

Review 3

Review of lessons 7-9

Well, again a review! It's not worth rushing if you're not sure you've learnt the material we've covered. Return to the previous lessons and it will be easy to solve the following exercises.

Exercise 1
Translate into English.

1. Амшқәа цоит. 2. Сара ашкол сагеит. 3. Сара ақыҭа бзиа избоит. 4. Ашьыжь сашьа машьынала даауеит, ақыҭахь сигоит. 5. Бара бцома, Кама? 6. Банбацои? 7. Ашьыжь, шьыжьхьа ашьҭахь сара машьынала аусура сцоит. 8. Ара хьҭоуп, баала аҩныҟа. 9. Наала, сла ббама? - Ааи, избеит. - Иаба? - Бла сашьа имоуп.

Exercise 2
Translate into Abkhazian.

1. - Inna, where are you taking the paper?
- I'm taking it to work.
- You're going to work today?
- Yes, Damai is coming, he's taking me in the car.
2. This was a good year. My brother finished school. In the summer he's going to the village. He loves the village. I've got a car, I will take my brother in the car.
3. Here lives Kama.
Akhra, have you seen Kama?
- Yes, I've seen her.
- When did you see her?
- Today.
4. Hello Amra!
- Good day!
- Are you in a hurry?
- Yes, I'm in a hurry. I'm going to work to see Esma. I must see her today. After lunch her brother is coming.
- Go, I'm with the car, I'll take you.
- Thank you.
5. Naala, where are you looking?
I'm looking at the sea, today the sea is calm. I love the sea.

Exercise 3
Make dialogs:

a) You meet a friend. He/she is rushing somewhere. Find out where to. Find out also when he/she is returning.
Try and make a complete dialog. Don't be afraid to get away from the theme.

b) You're looking for your friend Kama. Ask acquaintances who has seen her and where. Let the people describe the situation in which they have seen her.

Before making the dialogs, don't forget that you should first greet people you meet. Don't forget also to say goodbye! You can do it!

Exercise 4
Join the correct response to the sentence in the left column.

Наала, быццакуама?
Ахра, уабацои?
Сашьа данбаубеи?
Кама иахьа ақыҭахь бцома?
Бабаҧшуеи, Есма?
Ара хьҭоуп.
Уанбааи, Ахра?
Амшын ахь сыҧшуеит.
Аҩныҟа, саб дааит, дызбароуп.
Ааи, сашьа машьынала сигоит.
Уаала аҩныҟа.
Ааи, аусурахь сцоит.
Бзиа ббаит, Кама!
Иацы ҕбала сааит.

You have finished work on review 3. We are sure you know many useful words and phrases and are able to use them. In time there is sure to be a chance to practise, and conversation will be a lot easier and more interesting! You are convinced of that yourself!